Between the Chapters: Second Life & Virtual Worlds

Welcome to the rabbit hole of virtual worlds, gaming communities, Second Life and more… buckle up, this episode is going to take us on a virtual journey back to 2007 and Chapter 14.

Show Notes

In this episode of Between the Chapters of @YearsEd, Laura talks to Sarah Frick and Grant Potter about Second Life, Virtual Words, role-playing and more! In reflecting back to 2007 in Chapter 14, we talk about how these virtual spaces impacted our working, teaching, learning, and personal lives. This chapter pokes at ways we can play, create, and experiment to share teaching and learning practices in these virtual worlds, games, and more! We can learn so much from digital online environments and think more about virtual communities online today.
Questions asked for the ed tech community:
  • What’s the point of the virtual world, if we’re just going to replicate the same thing digitally? How can we do better?
  • What is the disconnect between higher ed & industry, with regards to gaming or ed tech software development for teaching & learning?
  • Where did we lose the “play” in teaching and learning?
  • Were you in Second Life or in another virtual world? What was your name & experience?
Connect and learn more about the guests on this episode at:
Do you want to share your thoughts about a virtual world, game community, or SL? Do you have comments or questions about this podcast? Send us a message or tweet. Podcast episode art: X-Ray Specs by @visualthinkery is licenced under CC-BY-SA & Remix by @AULibArchives.